Saturday, June 22, 2019

Landscaping Mistakes That You Must Avoid By Hiring Professionals

Most of us think that landscaping is a very easy process. We buy different garden tools from the local stores and beautify our land with the attractive flowers. However, special skill is must for proper landscaping. Thus, it is better to hire the professionals for successful landscaping Macon. Now, we have talked about the mistakes, common in the DIY landscaping process.

Placing plants at the inappropriate spots

Most of us choose the places, where the plants look beautiful. However, we do not think of access of sunlight, water, mulch or rocky beds. The presence of adjacent plants is another factor to us. While you have not focused on all these factors, your plants can die very fast. Much amount of water and light is must for daylilies, irises and different other plants. However, the cone flowers can grow in a low light condition. With the professional landscaping in Macon, you will be able to keep away from the mistakes.

Over watering

The watering needs of various plants are different. However, you can rely mostly on the rainwater. Some homeowners over water their landscape. For the tropical plants, regular watering is essential. The common dehydration symptoms are slower growth and wilted leaves. Most of the plants need minimal amount of water. You must also check out the soil. When it is a sandy surface, you have to water the plants regularly.

The presence of several colors

You have thought of making the garden or lawn colorful. However, when you have blended varieties of colors, it can affect the harmony. It will also cause distraction to the view.

No foliage

Never avoid the foliage for landscaping. You can focus on the shape and color while buying the foliage.

Thus, for landscaping in Macon, you can hire the certified landscapers.

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Common Mistakes Made In Lawn Care

Most of the homeowners try to maintain their lawn in their own way. They have bought tools to retain the beautiful look of the green lawn. However, as they do not have knowledge on the lawn maintenance, they make mistakes. Thus, for lawn care in Forsyth, they have to hire the professionals and avoid all those mistakes.

Over watering Plants

You must not water the plants every day. It can prevent the grasses and plants from growing the main root system. This root is always essential to have water from soils’ deep layer. Thus, this root helps in the survival of the plants throughout a year.

Lawn Mower Blades Have Become Dull

Although you are interested in lawn care in Forsyth, you do not sharpen the blades of your mower. You will not get the best result from using these dull blades. You may not find a very clean look from the cut. The grasses will not retain the best look due to the blunt mower blade. Every season, you have to sharpen the blades. However, you can hire the professionals for mowing your lawn. They will do it with their own tools.

Fertilizer- Not applied correctly

This is another lawn maintenance issue of the property owners. Although fertilizers are useful for your plants, you have to know the right time for applying them. Fertilizer may contain nitrogen, and while you have applied a very high amount of fertilizer, it affects the growth of roots and leaves.

When you need the grass on your lawn to grow very fast, you can think of using the fertilizer for it.

For the best lawn care in Forsyth, you have to keep away from the above mistakes. Keep your lawn green and fresh all the time by hiring Trey’s Lawn Service!